With AT4AM you have the power to change the law for 500 million people!

Ever wanted to change the EU law? Now you can!

"Write me an amendment!" is the most common way MEPs end their meetings with EU lobbyists in Brussels. You see the result in Lobbyplag — whoever has the resources to write change proposals can get them through to MEPs for voting. Now, what would happen if that invitation was extended to every citizen in Europe? Well, you're hereby invited. AT4AM is for all and everybody who wants to write an amendment and send to MEPs who care to listen.




Documentation project

Lack of documentation has been a problem for AT4AM, but hopefully the situation will improve with this new collection of links and documentation. In particular, there is a new step-by-step instruction for getting the e-parliament AT4AM fork up and running!

New front page

Finally there's a proper front page on! Improvements are very welcome — just send a pull request with well-formatted changes.

Older entries